Why Choose Patiova for Poly Patio Furniture?
Located in the heart of Amish Country – Lancaster County, Pennsylvania – Patiova is known for building premium quality patio furniture at a reasonable price. Our customers rave about our elegantly designed furniture that can transform any deck, patio, porch, or poolside sitting area.
All Patiova poly furniture is made from recycled milk jugs and is easy to care for and maintain, so you can enjoy your furniture for years to come. Poly is high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material used as an alternative to wood. Plus, with nationwide shipping throughout the continental United States, you can get handmade furniture right in your backyard – no matter where you live.
The best poly furniture is both beautiful and hassle-free. All Patiova poly furniture uses PolyTuf™, Premium poly lumber. Our poly furniture will never attract mildew or bugs, and it cleans easily with mild soap and water. Our poly lumber also won’t splinter, crack, or warp.